Thursday, December 6, 2007
Letter to Next Semesters Classes
The instructor expected a lot from the class. We would start class right on time and we were never let out early. This was so that she could give us all the needed material as well as making sure we went over the reading. Her expectations were high but reasonable. This is a writing class. There is going to be a lot of reading and writing. However, she would go over each reading assignment, and answer any questions you might have. This is why participating in class was very important to her. She would often encourage the class to get involved and would praise group discussions. This class was very affective and useful. It teaches you a lot about your self worth and about pushing yourself to the limit.
Podcast 1
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
HW 35: Letter to my readers
This is and was my first blog. I'm proud of it! I like it, I have learned much about my writing skills, that I do have a voice, that this is me, that if I can write what I feel about books, I can write about anything. I have always had trouble understanding books, so with this blog I was able to write what I truly felt about it all. I am so proud of what I have read, and learned and grew to understand. If anyone out there is loyal to reading my blog, (which I doubt but hey, it could happen) then I hope you got to see what I mean, that this is me, I am writing what I feel, just like Riverbend. (That is the most recent book I have been reading and it made sense so I just I had to write that) I'm sorry to say though that in a couple of weeks, I will not be writing anymore about books, or much of anything, this was an experience that I have never had with the technological world. I'm happy I tried it out though, like I said, it was quite the experience. If I were to have a blog, I would write every-so-often, not religiously like I did on this one; and it would only really be about my life. So thank you for reading this blog that I had for a period of time. I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Your writer.
HW 34: Responding to Riverbend
Riverbend talked about how in Iraq a garden is not complete without a palm tree in it. “From kilometers away, you can see the vivid green of proud date palms shimmering through the waves of heat and smoke reaching for a sky, rarely overcast.” (Riverbend, 103) It is evident that she is very right about there being an incomplete sense about a garden, or just any area around Iraq without a palm tree. It seems almost weird to me that there such a lavish amount of palm tree’s because when I think about palm trees I think of relaxing tropical Islands but when I think about Iraq, I only think of the war of terror. Maybe that is wrong of me, but that is how I feel I guess, and it is really good to read that from someone’s mouth.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
HW 33: Responding to a Podcast
HW 32: Responding to riverbend
(Riverbend 75-76)
HW 31: Responding to Riverbend
HW 28: Letter to Riverbend
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
HW 30: What kind of democracy do we want?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
HW 25: Bahgdad Burning
In the introduction it basically goes into more detail about where she is from, how she got to make a blog and what she writes in those blog posts. Gives much more information about her life and background of why the war even started. I feel that this is a very good read, gives so much more insight on how they must feel, and how we take for granted how the war is not in our country. This will be able to tell us how she must have felt and how she dealt with the war, she writes about everyday occurances and it helps america understand.
HW 24: Room of my own?
" I thought, addressing Mary Carmichael is if she were there, would be to talk of something else, looking steadily out the window, and thus note, not with a pencil in a notebook, but in the shorthand, in words that are hardly syllabled yet..."(Virginia, 85)
This exerpt from the book A room of ones own hit me when I read it. That's exactly how I feel when I write, I'm writing to not only myself and my notebook paper, but I'm writing to the person that will eventually read this, the person that will find this however long from now, and know who I am at this time in my life.
Monday, October 22, 2007
HW 23: Virginia vs Jezebel
HW 22: Patriarchy
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
HW 21: A room of one's own
I know how you would be confused it is a confusing chapter! But I'll try and help you out. The intro could quite possibly be considered off the wall. In the first couple of pages 'Mary' had a less then welcoming experience on campus and this sent her "little fish" or I would connect that to her inspiration "into hiding". She then had no idea what what she would write about. At the famous library that was said was cursed, she had yet another experience that was unreal.
You must still be confused as of this point, but I'm trying. I just tried to clear up some of the parts that confused me that I had to work out. Continuing in the book, there is a part that brings up the Manx cat, which is a recurring part to this chapter, the Manx cat has no tail, which helps to express the emotions. Reading on, there is a song that Tennyson was singing and it's basically him saying that world is different after the war. On pages 20-21 Mary is saying that if women had money, what would have been different, especially since women worked so hard, yet still lived in poverty. If women had money, they could and would study fascinating subjects, they were thriving to learn. But in the end, men will always write better fiction because they possess the "amenities".
You're English teacher is smart to let you read this book! Due to that it is about women and writing. It will teach both the boys and girls in your class the importance of money in fiction, and how that was what was important, not the actually quality of the writing. Virginia Woolf is writing an important piece to how fiction became what it is. Money for women was almost impossible to earn, which prevented them from writing fiction. I like this book, and I'm glad you are reading it Erin! Enjoy and I hope I helped.
Always, Kristen.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
HW 19: web of influence
Monday, October 8, 2007
HW 18: Least favorite blog post
HW 17b: Cox vs. Zuniga
Thursday, October 4, 2007
HW 17: Favorite Blog post
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
HW 14: Ito/Dento Transitionrama
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
HW 13: Blogs will change your buisness
Friday, September 21, 2007
HW 11: Making global voices heard
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
HW 9: A weblog saved my life last night
Thursday, September 13, 2007
HW 7: My so-called blog
"Then he returns to his own journal to compose his entries: sometimes confessional, more often dry private jokes or koanlike observations on life." (Kline and Burstein 350)
Guardians, or parents, shouldn't have to read what their children are writing in a blog, they can and have access to read them, because it's a blog and it's posted online, but they don't have to. Parents are allowed to write their own online blogs and their children don't necessarily have to read them either, it goes both ways in my personal opinion of this matter. Especially since the children aren't doing anything inappropriate or harmful to themselves by blogging their journals it's not necessary for their parents to observe everything they are writing. This quote shows that this specific example child, is not writing terrible things, or talking to someone that he shouldnt be speaking with.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
HW 6: Interest Statement
HW 5b: I blog therefore I am
Thursday, September 6, 2007
HW 4: Special K

HW 3: Toward a more Participatory Democracy
9-6-07-- I added work using a template from the book They say I say. (underlined)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
HW 2: Blog! The 12 key ideas. How do I connect?

Writing is a way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out. I can not and have never been able to get my feelings out verbally; I am a very introverted person most of the time. I keep a journal, and every so often I write how I’m feeling that particular day or if something exciting had happened to me. With writing, it allows me to get everything I cannot get out to anyone. I have learned in my past English and writing classes that you need to find your 'voice', and that everyone has a 'voice' in writing. I think that it's hard to find your voice most of the time, but when you do, you realize, you can write.
Blogging is a way for people to write, electronically. My journal for me is my form of 'blogging' I suppose. I consider blogging to be a way of releasing feelings, attitudes, and certain thoughts that you just want to share, or about a specific topic. This is my blog, my thoughts. In Dan Bursteins book Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture, burstein writes about 12 key ideas that he feels sums up the world of blogging. I feel that I can somewhat relate to the second key idea. Blogs are particularly interesting because they marry so much personality and attitude with this complex mix of software technologies.