Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HW 28: Letter to Riverbend

In the book Baghdad Burning, you talks about your views of the war in Iraq at this specific time. As I began to read the book, and read the blogs that you have written and I am just in awe of how you handle your composure and utter sanity. On page sixteen, I quote “Females can no longer leave their homes alone.” I had heard this through a discussion I had had with someone, that women were not aloud to leave their homes due to men snatching them and raping them I believe. I couldn’t believe it the first time, but to hear it from reading what you had said, it just makes it more real. Reading your blogs is weird, because I live in the United States, it’s my home that you are fighting, the war is between my country and yours. Being in the country where nothing affects my life is easy, yes, we are in a war, but I’m not banned from outside without an escort, and I am not having to deal with children every day getting killed, you have the hard part. “Today a child was killed in Anbar.” (Riverbend 8) that is ridiculous. It makes me so sad to see innocent children who honestly has no real idea what is going on, to get killed.

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