Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 18: Least favorite blog post

While looking at jezebel, I have never really looked for blog posts that I disliked, until today when I was supposed to. I saw a picture of Uma Thurman, and the caption was "Windswept & Slouchy." Seriously? How can anyone pass judgment that quickly because of a paprazi's photograph? I hate that people do that, there are so many celebrities that are shot down and demoralized because of a bad picture. God for bid someone has a bad picture, let’s talk bad about them, lets make them lower than us, just because in reality, they are higher than us. They are successful and wealthy because of their work, let’s make fun of them. No, lets not. yes, she is slouching in this photograph, but there is no need to talk about that in a negative way, she could be bending down to get something, or sneezing, if i was being followed unknowingly I would probably have terrible pictures as well, I'm sure we all would.

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