Friday, September 21, 2007

HW 11: Making global voices heard

I chose to look at Iaasc Mao's blog at The blog, is in English from what i can see, yet there is some Chinese. Which is what Mackinnon said in the interview, that he is the only blogger that blogs in both English and Chinese. The blogs are mostly about Internet related problems, it says "trouble logging in" or "Gmail accounts" as the titles. But there are also political related blogs and information about china, almost as if they want Americans to look at it and read it, due to that it is in English. Mackinnon states that Chinese blogosphere is very interesting, but very censored. Going off of what mackinnon says about the Chinese blogosphere, I believe that what she says is true, that the Chinese have to be careful about what they say due to the tight security floating in the Internet, many people have gone to jail for their opinions in china. Of course, many will probably disagree with this assertion that the Chinese have it rough trying to speak their mind, but it's true, they do not have the freedom of speech that we have here in America.

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