Wednesday, September 26, 2007
HW 13: Blogs will change your buisness
Friday, September 21, 2007
HW 11: Making global voices heard
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
HW 9: A weblog saved my life last night
Thursday, September 13, 2007
HW 7: My so-called blog
"Then he returns to his own journal to compose his entries: sometimes confessional, more often dry private jokes or koanlike observations on life." (Kline and Burstein 350)
Guardians, or parents, shouldn't have to read what their children are writing in a blog, they can and have access to read them, because it's a blog and it's posted online, but they don't have to. Parents are allowed to write their own online blogs and their children don't necessarily have to read them either, it goes both ways in my personal opinion of this matter. Especially since the children aren't doing anything inappropriate or harmful to themselves by blogging their journals it's not necessary for their parents to observe everything they are writing. This quote shows that this specific example child, is not writing terrible things, or talking to someone that he shouldnt be speaking with.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
HW 6: Interest Statement
HW 5b: I blog therefore I am
Thursday, September 6, 2007
HW 4: Special K

HW 3: Toward a more Participatory Democracy
9-6-07-- I added work using a template from the book They say I say. (underlined)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
HW 2: Blog! The 12 key ideas. How do I connect?

Writing is a way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out. I can not and have never been able to get my feelings out verbally; I am a very introverted person most of the time. I keep a journal, and every so often I write how I’m feeling that particular day or if something exciting had happened to me. With writing, it allows me to get everything I cannot get out to anyone. I have learned in my past English and writing classes that you need to find your 'voice', and that everyone has a 'voice' in writing. I think that it's hard to find your voice most of the time, but when you do, you realize, you can write.
Blogging is a way for people to write, electronically. My journal for me is my form of 'blogging' I suppose. I consider blogging to be a way of releasing feelings, attitudes, and certain thoughts that you just want to share, or about a specific topic. This is my blog, my thoughts. In Dan Bursteins book Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture, burstein writes about 12 key ideas that he feels sums up the world of blogging. I feel that I can somewhat relate to the second key idea. Blogs are particularly interesting because they marry so much personality and attitude with this complex mix of software technologies.